• Barrosa Way, Whitehouse, Milton Keynes, MK8 1EP
  • 01908 794094

IT & Personal Devices

Sixth Form student IT and Devices 

This document outlines the approach to integrating technology, including policies for students bringing their own devices (BYOD), rules for mobile phone use, and plans for providing computer access on site. 

Use of Mobile Phones and smart devices: 

  • Students must not use mobile phones at the Academy when moving around the site, to and from and between lessons.  
  • During all lessons, mobile phones must be switched off or set to silent and kept out of sight. 
  • In the Sixth Form study area and café, students may use their mobile phones and smart devices responsibly, ensuring that their use does not disrupt others.  
  • Students are only allowed wear and use headphones in the Sixth Form study area and café.  
  • Mobile phones and smart devices are strictly prohibited during examinations and assessments. 
  • Taking photos, videos, or recordings is not permitted at any time on the Academy site. Cyberbullying or misuse of mobile technology will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. 

Monitoring: Staff will monitor compliance with the mobile phone guidelines. Breaches of the mobile phone and smart device guidance will result in confiscation of the device for the remainder of the school day and may lead to further sanctions for repeated offenses. 

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy: 

We want to enable students to use their own laptops for educational purposes, ensuring consistency in access to digital resources and fostering an environment of technological proficiency. There will also be an element of online learning that will require internet access.  

  • Students and parents/carers must sign an IT usage agreement acknowledging the school’s BYOD policy and agreeing to adhere to guidelines and best practices. 
  • Students are encouraged to bring laptops or tablets that meet the minimum specifications outlined by the Academy, including compatibility with essential software and applications. 
  • Watling Academy will provide a recommended minimum specification for a laptop but will not buy, source or set up any equipment.  
  • Students must have installed necessary software as specified by the school, including office productivity suites and antivirus software. 
  • Students are responsible for the security and maintenance of their devices. The use of strong passwords and regular updates is mandatory. 
  • Student devices are the responsibility of the student and suitable insurances should be arranged by the student and parents/carers.  
  • Students will have access to Sixth Form Academy Wi-fi on one device. This will be set up by IT Technician staff.  

On-Site Computer Access: 

We are committed to ensuring all students have equitable access to technology and digital resources necessary for their studies, particularly for those who may not have personal devices.  

  • There will be some devices available for use in the Sixth Form study areas, with priority given to those without personal devices. 
  • Sixth Form study areas will be available for use between 8am and 4:30pm. 
  • The library will have a suite of computers available for research, study, and completing assignments. 

Students must adhere to the school’s acceptable use policy, ensuring that computers are used for educational purposes and that all software and internet usage complies with school guidelines. 


Ensuring that students take responsibility for staying safe online is crucial. Our Sixth Form Mentoring programme will include guidance on safe and appropriate use of all digital technologies.