• Barrosa Way, Whitehouse, Milton Keynes, MK8 1EP
  • 01908 794094


Regular attendance is crucial for academic success and personal development. At Watling Academy, we expect all Sixth Form students to attend their in-person timetabled sessions and participate actively in online sessions every day that the Academy is open. Watling Academy is committed to supporting students in maintaining excellent attendance to ensure their academic and personal success.  

Where students do not have a timetabled session, they are not required to stay on site but must ensure that they maintain good punctuality and attendance to sessions.  

This guidance outlines the expectations and procedures related to attendance, aiming to support students in achieving their full potential. 

Attendance Expectations: 

  • In-Person Sessions: Students must be on site and attend all timetabled lessons, tutorials, and scheduled activities. 
  • Online Sessions: Students must be present and actively participate in all scheduled online sessions, adhering to the same standards as in-person classes. 

Students leaving the Academy during the school day: 

  • Students must ensure that they arrive at the Academy in good time for the start of face-to-face sessions.  
  • Students can leave the Academy site during the school day, if they do not have an arranged face-to-face session.  
  • Students who are not on school site will not be under the supervision of Watling Academy. 
  • Students will be required to sign in when the arrive at the Academy.  
  • Students must maintain the high expectations of behaviour both within and outside the Academy. Poor conduct may result in permission to leave the site during the day being removed.  
  • Where students are not maintaining good attendance and/or punctuality, permission to leave the site during the day may be removed.  


  • Students must arrive on time for all sessions. Late arrivals disrupt the learning environment and may be recorded as an absence if significantly late. 
  • Persistent lateness will be addressed by the form tutor and may involve a meeting with parents or guardians. 

Recording Attendance: 

  • Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of each timetabled session by the class teacher. 
  • For online sessions, students are required to log in on time, and attendance will be taken by the session leader.  

Reporting Absences: 

 Reporting of absence from school must follow the whole-school attendance policy. Absences must be reported by a parent/carer and not by the students themselves.  

Absences during term time should be avoided and term time holidays will not be approved.  

Monitoring Attendance: 

  • Attendance will be monitored regularly by Sixth Form Mentors and the Sixth Form leadership team. 
  • Patterns of absence or persistent lateness will be identified, and appropriate support or interventions will be provided. 

Support for Attendance Issues: 

  • Students facing difficulties that affect their attendance should discuss these with their Sixth Form Mentor or the Sixth Form Leadership team. Support and guidance will be offered to address any issues. 
  • In cases of regular poor attendance and/or punctuality, a meeting with parents or carers will be arranged to develop an attendance improvement plan. 

Actions in response to Poor Attendance: 

  • Persistent poor attendance may result in sanctions and/or loss of privileges. 
  • Continued non-compliance with attendance expectations may impact the student’s ability to progress to the next academic year or complete their qualifications.